Deborah Perry
"stories beyond words"
I believe art allows us to travel into spaces beyond the reach of words…
Art can be a beautiful catalyst for wellness through deep inner inquiry, transformation or simply a moments escape into an uplifting space which makes no demands of us.

where we can find our stories within a bigger picture.
My love of drawing was something I was born with. One of my earliest childhood memories was sketching a blade of grass which had gone to seed. I remember the deep feeling of presence and the magical connection I felt with the grass as I attempted to capture it on the paper.
I paint and write from my heart and imagination as this is my bridge to a higher consciousness and an expanded awareness of subtle energies and alternative realities.
My paintings and poems are a living library of my souls stories as it journeys into magical realms.
Each piece carries a unique energetic signature which can be felt as well as seen, inviting the viewer to sense a bigger picture and find their story within it.
There are many stories behind my work; stories about how I got my inspiration, stories about the synchronicity I experienced whilst creating them, there are stories within the art itself and there are even stories about how they affect other people.
I share just a few of these stories here but what is more important is that you discover your own stories !

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